Your Actor Resume, How to Write It, Even with No Experience

Yes, your actor resume is hard to write. But it's your single greatest tool when marketing yourself. The goal is to tell them who you are, and what you can do as an actor. All in 10 seconds.

Why only 10 seconds? Because that's how long anyone will look at it before they move on. I'll show you how.

The Anatomy of a Resumé

The acting resume format is somewhat flexible. It should be hand-tailored to fit you. But here are some of the standard sections:

At the top. Your name in large, bold letters. Followed by your contact info, height, weight, hair color, eye color, and union associations.

Credits. The roles you had in plays, musicals, films, TV shows, commercials, voiceovers, etc. Don't have a lot of experience? We'll talk about that later.

Training. Where you studied and what kind of program. If you've had quality acting training, directors are liable to take you more seriously.

Special skills. Do you speak another language? Do you play an instrument? Can you drive a car? Those are all special skills.

I know, this is a lot of info. So let's look at some sample resumes:



The Beginner's Resume

If you're just starting your acting career, there's one rule to follow about your resume: Keep it simple.

You'll notice there's a lot of white space. That's okay. Just make sure it's well formatted and attractive to the eye. Make it look professional. What does this do? It makes you honest. Directors receive padded resumes all day, and it's a real turn-off. When you hand over your mostly white page, it'll be a refreshing change.

That being said, any experience is experience. Were you a spear holder in Hamlet at your high school? Were you Joseph in your church's Nativity play? Done any children's theatre? Put it all on your actor resume.

Had any training? Write it down. Put it in bold so that it draws the eye. Training shows that you're serious. And there's always the chance that your auditors know your teachers. (It's a small world, the acting biz.)

The Professional's Resume

In this acting resume sample, there's very little mention of training, and all of the community and educational theatre credits are gone. Also gone are your stats: Height, weight, vocal range, etc. Why? Because by now, casting directors know you and your work. Your resumé becomes less of an introduction, and more of a reminder.

Also notice that you're no longer getting calls at home: You've got an agent or manager for that. But what should you list first? Theatre? TV and film? It depends on what you want to pursue, and where in the world you are. If you're looking to do theatre and you're in New York, Chicago, or London, theatre credits go at the top.

But if you're in LA or Vancouver and your itching to do film or commercial work, those credits go at the top. This acting resume sample is just a guide.

Make it Your Own

As you can see, each actor's journey is unique. Some of us aim for the theatre, some for film, some for voiceover, etc. Some of us have extensive training, some of us have none at all. Some of us are just beginning, others are old hat.

As a result, no two resumés will look the same. Be creative. Make it look good. Staple it to the back of your professional headshots and you've got a winning combination!